Management Accounting - My Commerce Info

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Management Accounting

The traditional accounting known as single entry system of book keeping, was in vogue right from time immemorial. The beginning of modern ... thumbnail 1 summary
The traditional accounting known as single entry system of book keeping, was in vogue right from time immemorial. The beginning of modern accounting took the the form of financial accounting based on double entry system. Under this method, the function of accounting was to keep record of business transactions in the book of prime entry, preparation of ledger accounts on the basis of posting of these transactions.
In fact, the idea of Management Accounting originated by Shri James H. Bliss, who in his “Financial and Operating Ratio In Management” defined that “it is through the intelligent and effective use of accounting data that the management of a business may maintain the best contacts with details of its operations and affairs that exercise the most control over them”

 Management Accounting : Concepts and Definition

The Term “Management Accounting” consist of two words ‘Management and  Accounting’. Management refers to the functions of planning, staffing, controlling, and co-ordinating. While Accounting refers to record, compilation, analysis and presentation of various financial transaction.

1.  According to J. Batty: “Management Accounting is the term used to describe the accounting methods, systems and techniques which, coupled with special knowledge and ability, assist management in its task of maximizing profits or minimizing losses.”

2.   According to The American Accounting Association: “Management Accounting includes the methods and concepts necessary for effective planning, for choosing among alternative business actions and for control through the evolution and interpretation of performances.”

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