BETA – ß - My Commerce Info

Sunday, June 26, 2016

BETA – ß

This is a measure to calculate the degree of financial risk. It refers to volatility or variation in return on security x in response to va... thumbnail 1 summary

This is a measure to calculate the degree of financial risk. It refers to volatility or variation in return on security x in response to variation in the market returns. It is a most widely used measure.

ßj = covariance jm/ SD m

So, j refers to ß of individual security, covariance jm means covariance between returns on security j and market returns.

There are three types’ securities in the market according to ß point of view.

  • 1) Defensive securities – if ß value is less than 1
  • 2) Neutral securities – if ß value is equal to 1
  • 3) Aggressive securities – if ß value is more than 1

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