Jarque Bera Test - My Commerce Info

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jarque Bera Test

One test for normality is used which is known as Jarque Bera Test. Under this test, we use two dimensions. 1) Skewness 2) Kurtosis ... thumbnail 1 summary
One test for normality is used which is known as Jarque Bera Test. Under this test, we use two dimensions.

1) Skewness
2) Kurtosis
Skewness - Symmetry of the distribution is known as Skewness. If symmetry then it will normal distribution. If Skewness is zero t indicates normal distribution. Skewness should be zero near to zero. It means distribution is symmetrical. It may be positive and negative.

Positive Skewness = Right side Skewness
Negative Skewness = Left side Skewness
Kurtosis – Sharpness of the peak of the curve is known as Kurtosis. Statistically for normal distribution Kurtosis should be 3.

More than 3 = flat curve
Exactly 3 = normally sharp curve
Less than 3 = very sharp curve
Jarque Bera Test depends on Skewness and Kurtosis. Jarque Bera Test denoted by “JB” and checked by chi- square test. If calculated value is less than critical value than Ho will be accepted.

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